An incomplete ride to Munnar

I was a bit confused initially, whether I should write about this trip which was filled with plenty of disappointments. However, decided to go on with the blog trying to focus just on the positives of the trip. This trip was done after meticulous planning a month before; finalized the destination, decided the routes, booked stays., more importantly finalized members as well. In all the planned trips so far, at least one of the members pulling out in the last minute has become a norm. This didn’t happen for us this time, but we never knew a number of unpleasant surprises were waiting us on the way. Let’s talk as we travel... A bike ride to Munnar was always one of the top priorities in my bucket list. So this place was the obvious choice for the bike trip in January, and was quite acceptable for the other members too. Finally, at the very early morning on that R...